You probably know that Windows 10 has a built-in effective firewall, but have you realized that firewall protection extends all the way to Windows XP? A third-party firewall that does not hide ports and does not protect the network, as well as Windows Firewall, does not it is worth squatting, and matching the built-in dam is not a big feat. Most third-party firewalls control how programs use the network and the Internet, and Windows Firewall doesn’t really reveal. In addition, the security package probably has its own firewall component. What firewall should I use?
Bitdefender Total Security
is a powerful internet security package that offers a firewall among a number of recommended security features. There is also anti-virus protection, but multi-layer malware protection also protects against ransomware.
Other features include options for protection against phishing, fraud and theft, as well as a performance optimizer. The wide range of privacy protection options includes prevention of tracking, encryption and file destruction, parental controls, as well as protection of microphones to prevent their use by third parties.,
Bitdefender Total Security is not only used to protect Windows users, but can also be used to protect against attacks on Android, macOS and iOS. What’s more, a single product license allows you to use the software on up to 5 different devices, so you can use Bitdefender Total Security on your home computer as well as on your smartphone.

Avast Premium Security
is another paid, fully functional internet security package that comes in two main forms: for a single computer or up to 10 devices, including macOS, iOS and Android.
As with Bitdefender, this means that you can protect both your home computer and mobile devices. However, because you can protect up to 10 devices, you can use one license to protect your family as well.
In addition to the firewall for all devices, Avast Premium Security also protects against ransomware, file encryption and file shredder options. There are also safeguards against phishing and fraud for safer online banking, as well as protection against breaking into the camera by third parties.
Outside the dam
Advanced firewalls such as Norton and Kaspersky Internet Security (39.99 3 devices / 1 year in Kaspersky Lab North America) provide additional protection against network attacks, usually in the form of a Host Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS), Intrusion Detection System (IDS ) or both. These components are among other things to protect against attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in the operating system or popular programs. Between the moment the vulnerability is detected and when the vulnerability closes, the villains can launch attacks that take control of the victim’s systems.